Sql Server Table Names is not Visible in Flow

Monday, 2 July 2018

Recently we came across a limitation/issue while creating a flow to export some data from Azure SQL Server. Flow does not show table in the list if it does not have a Primary Key, so we made a DateTime field Primary Key (bad practice anyway). But it was not showing in list of list of tables.

Then we came across SQL Connector Documentation and found it's limitations there. Second point under limitations says that table must have an IDENTITY column.


The triggers do have the following limitations:

  1. It does not work for on-premises SQL Server
  2. Table must have an IDENTITY column for the new row trigger
  3. Table must have a ROWVERSION (a.k.a. TIMESTAMP) column for the modified row trigger

Then we changed our SQL table as below and it started showing up in the list of tables in flow: